
Anupamdutta73: হটক্যাটের মাধ্যমে বিষয়শ্রেণী:Hindu cave temples in India অপসারণ; বিষয়শ্রেণী:ভারতে হিন্দুধর্ম যোগ

{{তথ্যছক গুহা
| name = লেনিয়াদ্রি
| photo = Lenyadri.jpg
| photo_caption = লেনিয়াদ্রি গুহাসমূহ
| location = [[জুন্নার]], [[মহারাষ্ট্র]], [[ভারত]]
| depth =
| length =
| coords = {{Coord|19|14|34|N|73|53|8|E|type:landmark_region:IN-MH|display=inline,title}}
| survey =
| map=ভারত
| relief=yes
| survey_format =
| discovery =
| geology =
| entrance_count =
| entrance_list =
| difficulty =
| hazards =
| access =
| translation =
| language =
| pronunciation =

”’লেনিয়াদ্রি”’, কখনও কখনও ”’গণেশ লেনা”’ বা ”’গণেশ পাহাড় গুহা”’ বলা হয়, প্রায় ৩০টি শিলা-কাটা [[বৌদ্ধ ধর্ম|বৌদ্ধ]] গুহার একটি সিরিজ, যা ভারতের [[মহারাষ্ট্র]] রাজ্যের [[পুনে জেলা]]র [[জুন্নার]] এর প্রায় {{convert|4.8|km|mi}} উত্তরে অবস্থিত। জুন্নার শহরকে ঘিরে থাকা অন্যান্য গুহাগুলি হল: [[মানমোদি গুহা]], [[শিবনেরি গুহা]] এবং [[তুলজা গুহা]]। লেনিয়াদ্রি গুহাগুলি খ্রিস্টীয় ১ম থেকে ৩য় শতাব্দীর মধ্যেকার এবং [[হিনায়ন]] বৌদ্ধধর্মের ঐতিহ্যের অন্তর্গত।<ref name =”asi”/><ref name=”Feldhaus p. 143″>Feldhaus p. 143</ref>

গুহাগুলির মধ্যে ২৬টি পৃথকভাবে সংখ্যাযুক্ত। গুহাগুলি দক্ষিণ দিকে মুখ করে এবং পূর্ব থেকে পশ্চিমে ক্রমিকভাবে সংখ্যাযুক্ত।<ref name =”asi”/><ref name=Gazetteer/><ref name=Edwardes/> ৬ এবং ১৪ নম্বর গুহাদুটি ”[[চৈত্য-গৃহ]]” (চ্যাপেল), বাকিগুলি ”[[বিহার]]” (ভিক্ষুদের বাসস্থান)। পরেরগুলি বাসস্থান এবং ছোট ঘরের আকারে রয়েছে। এছাড়াও বেশ কয়েকটি পাথর কাটা জলের সিস্টারন রয়েছে; তাদের দুটি শিলালিপি আছে. গুহাগুলির বিন্যাস, সাধারণভাবে, প্যাটার্ন এবং আকৃতিতে একই রকম। তাদের সাধারণত এক বা দুটি পাশ থাকে যার দুটি লম্বা বেঞ্চ থাকে দখলকারীদের ব্যবহারের জন্য।<ref name =”asi”/><ref name=Gazetteer/><ref name=Edwardes/>

গুহা ৭-এর কেন্দ্রীয় কক্ষগুলির মধ্যে দুটি – বৌদ্ধ [[বিহার]] থেকে পরবর্তীতে অজানা তারিখে হিন্দু দেবতা [[গণেশ]]-এর উপাসনার জন্য নির্ধারিত হয়। গুহা ৭-এর অন্য কক্ষগুলির কোনো পরিবর্ত‌ন হয়নি। <ref>{{cite journal|title=Early Buddhist Caves at Junnar| author= Vidya Dehejia| journal = Artibus Asiae|year= 1969| volume= 31| number= 2/3| pages= 163–164| doi= 10.2307/3249428|jstor=3249428}}</ref> এই গণেশ লেনা বিহার হল একটি [[অষ্টবিনায়ক]] মন্দির, পশ্চিম মহারাষ্ট্রের আটটি বিশিষ্ট গণেশ মন্দিরের একটি। আঞ্চলিক পৌরাণিক কাহিনীতে, এটি “গিরিজাতমজা” গুহা যেখানে দেবী পার্বতী মা হতে চেয়েছিলেন এবং যেখানে গণেশ জন্মগ্রহণ করেছিলেন।<ref>John A. Grimes (1995), Ganapati: Song of the Self, State University of New York Press, {{ISBN| 9780791424391}}, pp. 13-14</ref>

== নাম ==
[[File:Lenyadri cave inscriptions – 2.jpg|thumb|left|লেনিয়াদ্রি গুহার শিলালিপি]]
বর্তমান নামের “লেনিয়াদ্রি” আক্ষরিক অর্থ “পাহাড়ের গুহা”। এটি [[মারাঠি ভাষা|মারাঠিতে]] ‘লেনা’ থেকে এসেছে যার অর্থ “গুহা” এবং [[সংস্কৃত]] ভাষায় ‘আদ্রি’ যার অর্থ “পর্বত” বা “পাথর”।<ref>Grimes p. 13</ref> “লেনিয়াদ্রি” নামটি হিন্দু ধর্মগ্রন্থ [[গণেশ পুরাণ]] এবং সেইসাথে একটি [[স্থল পুরাণ]], গণেশ কিংবদন্তির সাথে মিল রেখে দেখা যায়।<ref name = “asi”/> একে ”জীর্ণপুর” এবং ”লেখান পর্বত” ও বলা হয়।<ref name = “transport”/>

পাহাড়টি একসময় ‘গণেশ পাহাড়’ (“গণেশ পাহাড়”) নামে পরিচিত ছিল। একটি প্রাচীন শিলালিপি স্থানটিকে ”কপিচিতা (কপিচিত্ত)” বলে। গুহাগুলি “গণেশ লেনা” বা গণেশ গুহা নামেও পরিচিত।<ref name = “asi”/>

== ভূগোল ==

লেনিয়াদ্রির অবস্থান {{coord|19|14|34|N|73|53|8|E|region:IN_type:landmark}}, ভারতের [[মহারাষ্ট্র]] রাজ্যে [[পুনে জেলা]]য়। লেনিয়াদ্রি একটি নির্জন স্থান, যেখানে কাছাকাছি কোনো মানুষের বসতি নেই।<ref name=”pune”>{{cite web|url=http://www.pune.gov.in/history/monuments2.htm |title=Historical Monuments (Pune) |year=2008 |publisher=NIC – District-Pune |access-date=5 February 2010 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100118124518/http://pune.gov.in/history/monuments2.htm |archive-date=18 January 2010 |url-status=dead }}</ref> এটি [[জুন্নার তালুকা]]র সদর দফতর [[জুন্নার]] থেকে প্রায় {{convert|4.8|km|mi}} দূরে অবস্থিত।<ref name = Grimes115>Grimes p. 115</ref><ref name = “Gunaji”/> এটি কুকাদি নদীর উত্তর-পশ্চিম তীরে অবস্থিত, যা গোলেগাঁও এবং জুন্নারের মধ্যে প্রবাহিত।<ref name=”transport”>{{cite book|chapter-url=http://www.ashtavinayak.net/lenyadri/transport.php|title=SHREE GIRIJATMAJA – LENYADRI|chapter=SHREE KSHETRA LENYADRI’S GEOGRAPHICAL PLACE AND MODES OF CONVEYANCE|work=Ashtavinayaka Darshan Online|access-date=5 February 2010|url-status=dead|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100922172501/http://ashtavinayak.net/lenyadri/transport.php|archive-date=22 September 2010}}</ref> এটি নানাঘাটের মাধ্যমেও আসা যায়, যা মূলত [[অপারান্তকা]] বা উত্তরের [[কোনকন]] এবং [[ডেকান মালভূমি|ডেকান]] এবং জুন্নার শহরের সমভূমিতে নেমে আসা বাণিজ্য পথে ছিল। বৃত্তাকার পাহাড়, যেখানে লেনিয়াদ্রি গুহাগুলিকে উদ্ভাসিত করা হয়েছে, হাটকেশ্বর এবং সুলেমান রেঞ্জের সমভূমি থেকে প্রায় {{convert|30|m|ft}} উপরে উঠেছে।<ref name=Edwardes/>

লেনিয়াদ্রি হল একমাত্র অষ্টবিনায়ক মন্দির যা পাহাড়ে এবং বৌদ্ধ গুহাগুলির আশেপাশে অবস্থিত।<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.ashtavinayak.net/lenyadri/index.php|title=SHREE GIRIJATMAJA – LENYADRI|work=Ashtavinayaka Darshan Online|access-date=5 February 2010|url-status=dead|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100122094529/http://www.ashtavinayak.net/lenyadri/index.php|archive-date=22 January 2010}}</ref>

== গুহা ৭: গণেশ মন্দির ==
{{Infobox Mandir
| name = লেনিয়াদ্রি গণেশ মন্দির<br/>(শ্রী গিরিজাতমজা মন্দির)
| image = Lenyadri cave 7 exterior.jpg
| alt =
| caption = লেনিয়াদ্রি, গুহা ৭
| map_type =
| map_caption =
| coordinates =
| other_names =
| country = [[ভারত]]
| state = [[মহারাষ্ট্র]]
| district = [[পুনে জেলা]]
| locale = [[জুন্নার]] এর কাছে লেনিয়াদ্রি গুহা
| elevation_m =
| deity = [[গণেশ]] গিরিজাত্মজা হিসাবে
| festivals= [[গণেশ চতুর্থী]] এবং [[গণেশ জয়ন্তী]]
| architecture = বৌদ্ধ ”[[বিহার]]” গুহা
| temple_quantity =
| monument_quantity=
| inscriptions =
| year_completed = বিহারটি খ্রিস্টীয় ১ম শতাব্দীর, <br /> মন্দিরে রূপান্তরের তারিখ: অজানা
| creator =
| website =

=== স্থাপত্য ===
গণেশ মন্দিরটি সমভূমির উপরে প্রায় {{convert|30|m|ft}} গুহা ৭-এ অবস্থিত, [[জুন্নার]] এর আশেপাশে সবচেয়ে বড় খনন। এটি মূলত একটি বৌদ্ধ ”[[বিহার]]” (ভিক্ষুদের জন্য একটি বাসস্থান, বেশিরভাগই ধ্যান কক্ষ সহ) ডিজাইনে, বিভিন্ন মাত্রা সহ ২০টি কক্ষ সহ একটি স্তম্ভবিহীন হল; দুপাশে ৭টি এবং পেছনের দেয়ালে ৬টি। হলটি বড়, স্তম্ভ-যুক্ত [[বারান্দা]]র নীচে একটি কেন্দ্রীয় দরজা দিয়ে প্রবেশ করা যায়। হলটি {{convert|17.37|m|ft}} লম্বা; {{convert|15.54|m|ft}} চওড়া এবং {{convert|3.38|m|ft}} উঁচু। প্রবেশ পথের দুপাশে ২টি জানালা রয়েছে।<ref name=”asi”>{{cite web|url=http://asi.nic.in/asi_monu_tktd_maha_junnarcaves.asp|title=Lenyadri Group of Caves, Junnar|year=2009|work=Archaeological Survey of India official site|publisher=Archaeological Survey of India, Government of India|access-date=4 February 2010|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20090410125940/http://asi.nic.in/asi_monu_tktd_maha_junnarcaves.asp|archive-date=10 April 2009|url-status=dead}}</ref><ref name=Edwardes>{{Cite book|last=Edwardes|first= S. M.|title= By-Ways of Bombay|work=The Ganesh Caves|pages=34–36|access-date=2010-02-26|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=vw32HknckP0C&q=Ganesh+Lena&pg=PA34|publisher= Echo Library|year=2009|isbn=978-1-4068-5154-0}}</ref> হলটিকে এখন গণেশ মন্দিরের সভা-[[মণ্ডপ]] (“অ্যাসেম্বলি হল”) হিসাবে বিবেচনা করা হয়। আটটি পদক্ষেপের উপরে পাথরের গাঁথুনিতে ২৮৩টি ধাপ (ভক্তদের দ্বারা) নির্মিত হয়েছে যা প্রবেশদ্বারের দিকে নিয়ে যায়।<ref name=”pune”/><ref name=Subramuniya/> পদক্ষেপগুলি ইন্দ্রিয়সুখের প্রতিনিধিত্ব করে বলে বিশ্বাস করা হয়, যা গণেশ কাটিয়ে উঠেছেন।<ref name = Grimes115/> বারান্দায় ছয়টি স্তম্ভ এবং দুটি [[পিলাস্টার]] (অর্ধ-স্তম্ভ) রয়েছে, যা “একটি [[আর্কিট্রেভ]]কে সমর্থন করে যেখান থেকে প্রজেক্টের রশ্মি এবং র‍্যাফটারের উপর রেলিং দিয়ে উপশম করা হয়”। স্তম্ভগুলি অষ্টভুজাকার খাদ এবং “ওভার বেঞ্চ এবং পিছনের বিশ্রাম এবং উপরে একটি উল্টানো ”ঘটা” দ্বারা শীর্ষে রয়েছে, দুটি বর্গাকার প্লেটের মধ্যে সংকুচিত ”আমলকা”, উল্টানো ধাপযুক্ত পিরামিড এবং অবশেষে একটি বন্ধনী দ্বারা মুকুট করা হয়েছে বাঘ, হাতি এবং ষাঁড়<ref name=”asi”/><ref name=Gazetteer/>

In a later period, the two central cells of the rear wall have been combined by breaking the partition in between to house the Ganesha image.<ref name=”asi”/> The old entrance was also widened during the conversion to the Ganesha temple. There are two other smaller entrances to the hall. All entrances bear marks of sockets for fixing wooden doors, added during the conversion,<ref name=Gazetteer/> and still have doors. The hall also has traces of plaster and paintings,<ref name=”asi”/> both added during the conversion and renewed in later times – possibly as late as the 19th century.<ref name=”wonderm”>{{cite web|url=http://www.wondermondo.com/Countries/As/India/Maharashtra/Lenyandri.htm|title=Lenyadri Caves, Junnar – rock cut Buddhist temples|year=2010|publisher=Wondermondo|access-date=30 May 2010}}</ref> The Gazetteer of the [[Bombay Presidency]] (1882) records that the hall was plastered and white-washed. The paintings depicted Ganesha’s childhood, marriage preparations, battle with demons and so forth, along with scenes of other Hindu deities like [[Devi]], [[Krishna]], [[Vishnu]] and [[Shiva]].<ref name=Gazetteer>{{Cite book|title=Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency |access-date=2010-02-02 |chapter-url=http://www.maharashtra.gov.in/pdf/gazeetter_reprint/Poona-III/places_j.html#. |chapter=Junnar |publisher=Govt. Central Press |orig-year=1885 |year=2006 |volume=18 |url-status=dead |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20091016101200/http://www.maharashtra.gov.in/pdf/gazeetter_reprint/Poona-III/places_j.html |archive-date=16 October 2009 }}</ref>

; Icon
[[File:Lenyadri Cave 7.jpg|thumb|left|Inside of cave No.7, two central cells form the Ganesha shrine]]
The Ganesha form worshipped here is called Girijatmaja ({{lang-sa|गिरिजात्मज}}). The name is either interpreted as “mountain-born”<ref name=Subramuniya>{{Cite book|first=Subramuniya|last=Satguru Sivaya|title=Loving Ganesa: Hinduism’s Endearing Elephant-Faced God|chapter = Lenyadhri Cave to Sri Girijatmaja|pages=278, 284|access-date=2009-11-26|chapter-url=https://books.google.com/books?id=_sV4_JpQvycC&q=Siddhatek&pg=PA279|publisher=Himalayan Academy Publications|year=2000|isbn=9780945497776}}</ref><ref name = Grimes37>Grimes pp. 37–8</ref> or as “Atmaja of Girija”, the son of Parvati, who herself is daughter of the mountain [[Himavan]], a personification of the mountains of [[Himalayas]]. The features of the Ganesha icon, seen on the back wall of the cave, are the least distinct vis-a-vis the other Ashtavinayak temples. Though the temple faces the inauspicious south, – according to a local tradition – the deity faces north, with his back to his worshipper and his face visible on the other side of the mountain. The [[Peshwa]] rulers even tried in vain to locate the face of Ganesha on the other side.<ref name=”pune”/><ref name=Subramuniya/><ref name = “F249″>Feldhaus p. 249</ref> The central icon was covered with brass-plated wooden armour, given as a gift by Junnar.<ref name=Gazetteer/> The armour is not present currently. After it was removed, Ganesha could be seen with his trunk turned to the left side, facing east, with one of his eyes visible. The icon is covered with [[sindoor]] and is directly formed/sculpted on the stone wall of the cave.

Like all Ashtavinayaka temples, the central Ganesha image is believed to be ”[[svayambhu]]” (self-existent), a naturally occurring stone formation resembling an elephant-face.<ref>Grimes pp. 110–1</ref>

[[File:Lenyadri Ganesha.jpg|thumb|The sanctum and central icon]]

According to the [[Ganapatya]] scripture [[Ganesha Purana]], Ganesha incarnated as Mayuresvara or Mayureshwar ({{IAST|Mayūreśvara}}), who had six arms and a white complexion. His mount was a peacock. He was born to [[Shiva]] and [[Parvati]] in the ”[[Treta Yuga]]”, for the purpose of killing the demon Sindhu.<ref name = “Grimes102″/>

Once Parvati (Girija) asked her husband Shiva who he was meditating on. He said he was meditating on “the supporter of the entire universe” – Ganesha, and initiated Parvati with the Ganesha Mantra “Gam”. Desiring to have a son, Parvati underwent austerities meditating on Ganesha, for twelve years at Lenyadri. Pleased by her penance, Ganesha blessed her with the boon that he will be born as her son. Accordingly, on the fourth lunar day of the bright fortnight of the [[Hindu month]] [[Bhadrapada]] ([[Ganesh chaturthi]] day), Parvati worshipped a clay image of Ganesha, which came alive. Thus, Ganesha was born to Parvati at Lenyadri. Later, he was named Gunesha by Shiva. Shiva gave him a boon that whosoever remembers him before starting a job, will successfully complete that task. For 15 years Gunesha grew up at Lenyadri. Sindhu, who knew that his death would be at the hands of Gunesha, sent demons like Krur, Balasur, Vyomasur, Kshemma, Kushal, and many more, to kill Gunesha, but all of them were instead killed by him. At the age of six, the architect-god [[Vishwakarma]] worshipped Gunesha and endowed him with the weapons Pasha (noose), [[Parashu]] (axe), [[Ankusha]] (hook) and [[Padma (attribute)|Padma]] (Lotus). Once, little Gunesha knocked an egg from a mango tree, from which emerged a peacock. Gunesha mounted the peacock and assumed the name Mayuresvara. Mayuresvara later killed Sindhu and his army-generals at [[Morgaon]], the most important Ashtavinayaka temple.<ref name = “F249″/><ref name = “Grimes102″>Grimes pp. 102–3</ref><ref>Grimes pp.13–14</ref>

Lenyadri is one of the eight revered Ganesha temples collectively called [[Ashtavinayaka]].
The caves including the temple lie under the control of the [[Archaeological Survey of India]]. Sardar Deshpande is the priest in charge of the temple’s activities.<ref name=Gunaji>{{Cite book|last=Gunaji|first=Milind|title=Offbeat tracks in Maharashtra|chapter=Lenyadri|pages=110–1|access-date=2009-11-26|chapter-url=https://books.google.com/books?id=JIjmDLardesC&q=lenyadri&pg=PA110|publisher=Popular Prakashan|year=2003|isbn=9788171546695}}</ref> He does not stay in Lenyadri. The priests are Yajurvedi [[Brahmins]].<ref name=Edwardes/><ref name=”pune”/> The festivals of [[Ganesh Jayanti]] and [[Ganesh Chaturthi]] are celebrated in the temple, when pilgrims crowd all Ashtavinayak temples.<ref name=”Feldhaus p. 143″/><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.ashtavinayak.net/lenyadri/festival.php|title=SHREE GIRIJATMAJA – LENYADRI: DAILY PROGRAMMES AND FESTIVALS|work=Ashtavinayaka Darshan Online|access-date=5 February 2010|url-status=dead|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100922172406/http://ashtavinayak.net/lenyadri/festival.php|archive-date=22 September 2010}}</ref>

==”Chaityas” (chapels)==
; Cave 6
[[File:Lenyadri Chaitya external view.jpg|thumb|left|Front of Cave 6, the main [[Chaitya]].]]
[[File:Lenyadri Chaitya hall.jpg|thumb|300px|Lenyadri [[Chaitya]] hall, cave No.6]]
Cave 6 is the main ”[[chaitya-griha]]” of the Lenyadri caves and one of the earliest examples of a [[Hinayana]] chaitya-griha.<ref name = “asi”/> Its plan is similar to the [[Ajanta Caves]] chaitya-griha, though smaller in size. It has a veranda, pillars and pilasters with animal-capitals, and a shrine with 5 steps at the entrance. The shrine hall is entered by a plain and a socketed-door measuring {{convert|1.8|m|ft}} in width and {{convert|2.79|m|ft}} in height. The hall measures {{convert|13.3|m|ft}} in length; {{convert|6.7|m|ft}} in width and {{convert|7|m|ft}} in height. It has a row of five pillars and one pilaster on each side of the ”chaitya” or ”Dagoba” or ”[[stupa]]” (central relic-shrine), located at the rear of the hall. A start was made on a typical large arched window above the entrance, but this was never completed, and remains a blind recess.

[[File:Lenyadri Chaitya pillar capitals.jpg|thumb|Lenyadri Chaitya pillar capitals.]]
[[File:Lenyadri chaitya dagoba.jpg|thumb|right|Chaitya dagoba.]]
The Satakarni period pillars begin with a four-plated pyramid structure, then a waterpot base, followed by an eight-sided shaft, above a reversed pot, then a capital in five plates, and on the top the ”amalaka” or cogwheel pattern. The capital has animal figures like lions, elephants, a [[sphinx]] and tigers. Parts of the pillar are broken. Behind the relic-shrine, are six eight-sided pillars, arranged in a curve. “The stupa consists of a drum with a moulding below and railing above, a globular dome and a [[corbel]]led (with “a projection jutting out from a wall to support a structure above it”)<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.askoxford.com/concise_oed/corbel?view=uk|title=Cobel|work=Oxford Dictionary|access-date=1 April 2010}}{{dead link|date=September 2022|bot=medic}}{{cbignore|bot=medic}}</ref> dome with a railing at the base.” The stupa has Buddhist tridents carved on it. A hole is carved for fixing garlands in the front and 5 holes on the top probably to fix a central wooden umbrella and side flags. A 2nd century, swastika-flanked inscription on the back wall of the veranda translates: “A meritorious gift of a chapel cave by the distinguished Sulasadata, son of Heranika of Kalyana [modern [[Kalyan, India|Kalyan]] near [[Mumbai]]].”<ref name = “asi”/><ref name=Gazetteer/>

Between caves 5 and 6, on higher level, is an excavation originally intended either for a dwelling or for a seat, but converted into a cistern following discovery of a rock-fault. On its left side is a bench.<ref name=Gazetteer/>

; Cave 14

This cave, also a chaitya-griha, has a flat roof. However, it has no pillars in the hall that measures {{convert|6.75|m|ft}} in length; {{convert|3.93|m|ft}} in width and {{convert|4.16|m|ft}} in height. It has a pillared veranda; pillars are in octagonal shape. The stupa is in three steps with a base of {{convert|2.6|m|ft}} diameter. The rim has a railing design surrounded by a cylindrical drum with “a square harmika with railing pattern and an inverted stepped pyramidal abacus.” A carved [[chhatri]] covers the ceiling. The pillars of the veranda consist of octagonal shafts resting on ”ghata” base over a stepped pedestal. An inverted [[kalasha]] adorns the top, which also has a corbelled abacus. Inscription on the back wall of the veranda dates the cave to the 2nd century A.D. The inscription translates as: “A meritorious gift of a chapel cave given by Ananda, a son of Tapasa and grandson of Upasaka.”<ref name = “asi”/><ref name=Gazetteer/><ref>[[:File:Lenyadri Group Of Caves.JPG|Lenaydri caves public notice]]</ref>

==Other ”viharas” (monk dwellings)==
[[File:Lenyadri panorama.jpg|thumb|center|800px|Lenyadri cave complex. The caves are numbered from right to left (east to west).]]
;Cave 1

Cave 1 is divided into four parts: a veranda, a middle room, a cell, and a half cell. The veranda has a bench along the right wall. Its front possibly had two quadrangular pillars, traces of one are seen around the ceiling. A rock beam was present over the pillars, above the beam ribs and a rail pattern could have existed. In a recess below the veranda is an earth-filled [[cistern]]. A door with a small window to the left leads into the middle room. The middle room has a bench along the right wall. Towards the back of the middle room, to the left, is the half cell and to the right the cell. The half-cell has a bench along the right wall and to the left, has a square window connecting it to cave 2. A door with grooves for fitting a wooden frame, leads into the cell which has a bench along its right wall.<ref name=Gazetteer/>

; Cave 2
[[File:Lenyadri pillars & a monkey.jpg|thumb|Lenyadri pillars & a monkey.]]
Cave 2 is similar to cave 1 in design. The veranda has two pillars and two pilasters, a bench between each pillar and pilaster with curtains in the back, which have a rail pattern. Over the pillars rests the rail-patterned rock beam, above which is the ceiling. Parts of the pillars and pilasters are broken. In front over the beam project rock imitations of [[rafter]]s. A doorway with grooves for a wooden frame, leads into a middle room, with a bench along the left wall. The position of the hall-cell and cell are exchanged with respect to cave 1 design. Each has a bench.<ref name=Gazetteer/>

; Cave 3

Cave 3 has an open veranda and a cell. The veranda has a bench along the back wall. A door leads to a cell, which has a seat in a left recess. In front of the recess, below the seat, are vertical bands. Between caves 2 and 3 there is a seat in the front, in a recess.<ref name=Gazetteer/>

; Cave 4

Cave 4 has an open veranda and a cell. The veranda has a bench, along the back wall. A grooved door leads to a cell, which has a bench along the right wall. A broken window is to the left of door and to its right, a small hole, which could have been used to wash feet before entering the cell.<ref name=Gazetteer/>

; Cave 5

Cave 5 is located {{convert|12|ft|m}} lower to left of cave 4. It is divided into 3 parts: veranda, a middle hall and seven cells of varying size, three in the back wall and two in each side wall. Thus it is known as a ”saptagarbha layana” (seven cell dwelling). The veranda had two pillars and two pilasters with pot capitals of the [[Satakarni]] period (B.C. 90-A.D. 300), of which only the right broken pilaster and a trace of the base of the right pillar remain. In front of the veranda, an open court with two steps lead to the veranda. To the right of the court is a cistern. In the back wall of the veranda, to the left of the door to the middle hall, close under the broken verandah ceiling, is a single line inscription, flanked by the Buddhist trident in the beginning and [[swastika]] at the end. It is translated as: “A meritorious gift of a seven-celled cave and cistern by a guild of corn-dealers.” The door also has windows on both its sides. Throughout the middle hall in the front of the cells is a bench. A bench is also built in the back wall of the cells.<ref name=Gazetteer/>

[[File:Lenyadri Temple.jpg|right|thumb|Approach to the Ganesha cave temple (Cave 7), seen at the top left. In the middle, a ”vihara” located under the cave shrine is seen.]]
; Cave 8

Cave 8 is a difficult-to-reach dwelling. It consists of a veranda with a cell and a half cell in its back wall, both entered through the veranda. The cell has a broken door, a small window, benched recess and a peg hole. The half cell has an open front and a bench at the back.<ref name=Gazetteer/>

; Cave 9

Cave 9 located to the right of Cave 8, can be entered via the latter’s veranda. Cave 9 has its own veranda and a hall. The veranda has four Satakarni-period, broken pillars. The hall has a larger central door – with windows on either side – and a side door, both having grooves for wooden frames. The purpose of this hall is unknown and speculated to be a school or study.<ref name=Gazetteer/>

; Cave 10

Cave 10 is located at a higher level than cave 9 and is difficult to reach as its front is broken. An open veranda with a broken ceiling and floor leads to a middle room through a grooved broken door, which has windows on either side. The right wall of the hall has a recess with a seat. A cell to the left of the room has a seat in a recess. A door from the cell leads to a half-cell which has a recess and seat. Traces of painting are seen on the ceiling. Outside the veranda to the left is a cistern.<ref name=Gazetteer/>

; Cave 11

Cave 11 is difficult to reach with a broken front and a hall. To the left of a hall is a cell, lower in height than the hall. The hall has a grooved doorway and a recess with a seat at the back. Outside the hall is a view seat. The cave bears traces of paint.<ref name=Gazetteer/>

; Cave 12

Cave 12 is a small dwelling entered by a door from the veranda of cave 11. It has its own open veranda, which has a partly broken floor and ceiling and recessed benches on the left and right of the door to the middle room. The middle room has a small window to the left of the door and a seat recess in its right wall. In the back wall of the middle room to the left is a half cell – which has a seat recess – and a cell with a grooved door. The floor of the cave has a coating of cement, while the ceiling of the middle room bears painted concentric circles.<ref name=Gazetteer/>

;Cave 13

Cave 13 on a slightly higher level than cave 12, is a small dwelling with an open court and from 2 steps lead to a veranda. To the right of the court is a cistern. The veranda has a bench along its right wall. The front of the veranda has 2 benches, flanked by a plain eight-sided pillar and pilaster; some remnants of these survive. On the right pilaster is a double crescent ornament. A grooved door leads to a middle room, which has a bench along the right wall and seat recess to the left. A window is to the left of door. In the back wall of the middle room a cell (left) – with a grooved bench and a bench – and a half cell (right) are seen. The ceiling has traces of painting.<ref name=Gazetteer/>

; Cave 15

Cave 15 is a small dwelling consisting of a cell with an unproved doorway and a veranda. Though the side walls of the cave are still preserved, the ceiling is half broken.<ref name=Gazetteer/>

; Cave 16

Cave 16 is a small dwelling, on a slightly higher level above cave 15. It has a cell with a bench along its right wall and a veranda, which leads to the cell through a door. The side walls as well as a part of the ceiling are broken.<ref name=Gazetteer/>

; Cave 17

Cave 17 comprises a series of three small dwellings located along a row with a shared veranda. The first dwelling has a doorway flanked by broken windows on either side, leading to a middle room. The back room of the middle dwelling has a cell to the right and a half cell to the left. A window is located to left of door to the cell. The cell also has traces of painting. The half cell has a bench. The second dwelling has a middle room, a half cell to the left, and a cell, reached from the right of the half cell. The middle room has a bench. The half cell has a recess in its back wall, along with a bench. A grooved door leads from the half-cell to the cell, which also has a bench. A window in the right cell overlooks in to the middle room. In front of the doorway is a bench. The third and largest of the three dwellings consists of a middle hall. At the back wall of the hall there are two cells and two seat recesses. Along the right and rear walls runs a bench. The right cell as well as the left cell have grooved doorways, a window to the left of the doorway and a bench along each of their rear walls. In front of the hall door is a bench. In front of the broken veranda are holes for fixing wooden pillars. To the left of the veranda are two cisterns. Between cave 17 and cave 18, there are three other cisterns. In the recess of the first cistern, an inscription reads translated: “A meritorious gift of a cistern by Saghaka a goldsmith, son of Kudira of Kalyana.” Another inscription in the recess of the second cistern reads translated: “A meritorious gift of a cistern by Lachhinika (wife) of Torika the Na daka [and] Nadabalika, wife of Isimulasami.”<ref name=Gazetteer/>

; Cave 18
[[File:Lenyadri cave inside.jpg|thumb|300px|Inside of a [[vihara]] in Lenyadri.]]
Cave 18 is a dining hall with a front wall and a grooved doorway, on either side of which are windows. A bench runs along the back and side walls. The passage to the hall has 3 broken steps and an open court in the front. A cistern is located to the left of the court.<ref name=Gazetteer/>

; Cave 19

Cave 19 is a cell without a front wall and a bench runs along the left wall. The ceiling shows signs of a dressed stone or wooden screen from the right wall to the end of the bench. To the right is a small cell in the same roof, probably connected with cave 19. The small cell has a bench along its right wall and the grooved doorway. The cave has two cisterns.<ref name=Gazetteer/>

; Cave 20

Cave 20 is a small dwelling, hard to reach as the front is broken. To the right is a passage and to the left a cell with a bench along the entire left wall.<ref name=Gazetteer/>

; Cave 21

Cave 21 is approached through a small crevice from cave 20, in the absence of any direct approach. Its living space has a veranda of fairly large size. There is also an inner cell with a grooved door frame. Seating benches have been cut into shallow spaces both in the cell and in the veranda.<ref name=Gazetteer/>

;Cave 22

Cave 22 adjoins cave 21 on the left and it was also a dwelling unit with a bench for the entire length of the back wall. A window from this hall overlooks another smaller room. An entry through a grooved door gives access to a long corridor and in the back wall of which is an inscription that discloses the name of the donor and the monastic order.<ref name=Gazetteer/>

;Cave 23

Cave 23 has two dwelling units with a long passage with shallow niches with seating provisions on the left wall. A door provides links to the rooms. A {{convert|2|ft|m}} niche in the back wall between the two rooms gives no clue of its purpose.<ref name=Gazetteer/>

;Cave 24

Cave 24 is a long cave with difficult access that leads into a cistern with seating arrangements in the niches. There is a door access to the passage, which also has benches for seating.<ref name=Gazetteer/>

;Cave 25

Cave 25 is longer than cave 24 with several small and big rooms. These rooms also have seating arrangements in niches which display irregular excavations denoting poor condition of the rock, which probably stopped further work on this cave.<ref name=Gazetteer/>

;Cave 26

This is plain cave located below cave 6, which is a chaitya (chapel) cave.<ref name=Gazetteer/>

Passing round the east end of the hill, after a walk of fully a {{convert|1.61|km|mi}}, or about {{convert|6.4|km|mi}} from the town, in another spur of the Sulaiman Pahar, is a group of caves in the face of the hill, {{convert|120|m|ft}} above the level of [[Junnar]], and facing S.S.W. They are usually represented as inaccessible, from the precipice in front of them being almost perpendicular; they are very difficult of access, and dangerous to attempt for any one not accustomed to climbing.<ref name=”Fergusson 257”>{{cite book|last1=Fergusson|first1=James|last2=Burgess|first2=James|title=The cave temples of India|date=1880|publisher=London : Allen|pages=257–256|url=https://archive.org/stream/cavetemplesofind00ferguoft}}</ref>

[[File:Lenyadri Suleman caves Second group Chaitya.jpg|thumb|left|upright=0.5|The small Chaitya cave.]]
The most easterly of them is a small Chaitya-cave only 249 centimetres (8 feet 3 inches) wide, and 680 centimetres (22 feet 4 inches) in length, or 467 centimetres (15 feet 4 inches) from the door to the [[Stupa|dagoba]], which is 147 centimetres (4 feet 10 inches) in diameter and 284 centimetres (9 feet 4 inches) high. The walls are not straight, nor the floor level. The side aisles have not been begun, and altogether no part of the interior is quite finished, except the upper part of the dagoba. To the top of the architrave or [[triforium]] is 487 centimetres (16 feet), and to the centre of the roof 553 centimetres (18 feet 2 inches). Outside, the façade is carved with Chaitya window ornaments, some enclosing a dagoba, and others a lotus flower; while the rail ornament is abundantly interspersed in the usual way. The fronton round the window is also carved with a geometrical pattern. The details of this cave seem to indicate that it is perhaps as early as those at [[Bedsa Caves|Bedsa]] and [[Karle Caves|Karle]], and consequently it is among the earlier excavations about Junnar.<ref name=”Fergusson 257″/>

Next to it, but higher up and almost inaccessible, are two cells; then a well; and, thirdly, a small [[vihara]], with three cells, two of them with stone-beds. Some rough cutting on the back wall between the cell-doors resembles a dagoba in low relief, but it is quite unfinished. Outside are two more cells and a chamber or chapel at the end of a veranda that runs along in front both of the vihara and the cells.<ref name=”Fergusson 257″/>


; Books
*{{Cite book |series=SUNY Series in Religious Studies |last=Grimes |first=John A. |title=Ganapati: Song of the Self |year=1995 |publisher=State University of New York Press |location=Albany |isbn=0-7914-2440-5|url = https://books.google.com/books?id=duOe-jM8kRIC&q=morgaon&pg=PA37|pages = 38–9}}
* {{cite news|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=Cn7UK4y-FDUC&q=Morgav&pg=PA140|title=Connected places: region, pilgrimage, and geographical imagination in India|last=Anne Feldhaus|date=19 December 2003|publisher=Palgrave Macmillan|isbn=9781403963246|access-date=13 January 2010}}

==External links==
{{Commons category|Lenyadri}}

{{Adjacent communities
|title=Adjacent Buddhist structures
| Centre = [[Junnar]]
| N = Lenyadri caves
| E =
| S = [[Manmodi Caves]]
|SW=[[Shivneri Caves]]
| W = [[Tulja Caves]]
{{Hindu holy cities}}
{{Hindu temples in Maharashtra}}
{{Indian Buddhist Caves}}

[[Category:Hindu temples in Pune district]]
[[বিষয়শ্রেণী:গণেশ মন্দির]]
[[বিষয়শ্রেণী:মহারাষ্ট্রের গুহা]]
[[Category:1st-century Hindu temples]]
[[Category:Buddhist monasteries in India]]
[[Category:Indian rock-cut architecture]]
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[[Category:Buddhist pilgrimage sites in India]]
[[বিষয়শ্রেণী:ভারতে বৌদ্ধধর্ম]]
[[বিষয়শ্রেণী:ভারতে স্তুপা]]
[[Category:Architecture in India]]
[[Category:Caves containing pictograms in India]]
[[বিষয়শ্রেণী:ভারতে হিন্দুধর্ম]]
[[Category:1st-century establishments in India]]

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