জন এডমান্ড শ্যারক মুর

কুউ পুলক: “John Edmund Sharrock Moore” পাতাটি অনুবাদ করে তৈরি করা হয়েছে

{{কাজ চলছে/২০২৪}}

”’জন এডমন্ড শাররক মুর”’ এআরসিএস (১০ মে ১৮৭০ – ১৫ জানুয়ারী ১৯৪৭) ছিলেন একজন [[ইংল্যান্ড|ইংরেজ]] [[জীববিজ্ঞানী]], যিনি [[মিয়োসিস]] শব্দটির সহ-প্রকাশক এবং [[তাঙ্গানিকা|তাঙ্গানিকাতে]] দুটি অভিযানের নেতৃত্ব দেওয়ার জন্য সবচেয়ে বেশি পরিচিত।

== প্রকাশনা ==
তিনি ৭১টি যোগাযোগ এবং প্রকাশনার লেখক বা সহ-লেখক ছিলেন: <ref name=”Troyer1991″>{{সাময়িকী উদ্ধৃতি|শেষাংশ=Troyer|প্রথমাংশ=James R|তারিখ=1991|শিরোনাম=On the name and works of J. E. S. Moore (1870–1947): cytologist, zoologist, explorer, and co-publisher of the term “meiosis”|ইউআরএল=https://www.euppublishing.com/doi/abs/10.3366/anh.1991.18.1.31|পাতাসমূহ=31–50|doi=10.3366/anh.1991.18.1.31|সংগ্রহের-তারিখ=16 May 2020}}</ref>

* Moore, J.E.S., 1897a. The physiographical features of the Nyasa and Tanganyika districts of central Africa. Geogr. J. 10: 289–300.
* Moore, J.E.S., 1897b. The freshwater fauna of Lake Tanganyika. Nature, Lond. 56: 198–200.
* Moore, J.E.S., 1897c. On the general zoological results of the Tanganyika expedition. Proc. zool. Soc., 1897: 436–439.
* Moore, J.E.S., 1897d. The fauna of the great African lakes. Sc. Progr. 4: 627–641.
* Moore, J.E.S., 1898a. The marine fauna in Lake Tanganyika and the desirability of further exploration in the great African lakes. Nature, Lond. 58: 404–408.
* Moore, J.E.S., 1898b (March). On the zoological evidence for the connection of Lake Tanganyika with the sea. Proc. R. Soc. 62: 451–458.
* Moore, J.E.S., 1898c (March). The molluscs of the great African lakes. I. Distribution. Q. Jl. microsc. Sci. (n.s.) 41: 159–180.
* Moore, J.E.S., 1898d (March). The molluscs of the great African lakes. II. The anatomy of the Typhobyas with a description of the new genus (Batanalia) (sic) Q. Jl. microsc. Sci. (n.s.) 41: 181–204, plates 11–14.
* Moore, J.E.S., 1898e (July). Descriptions of the genera Bathanalia and Bythoceras, from Lake Tanganyika. Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 3: 108–109.
* Moore, J.E.S., 1898f. Discussion on the Mollusca of Lake Tanganyika, with special reference to their affinities Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 3: 108–109.
* Moore, J.E.S., 1898g. On the hypothesis that Lake Tanganyika represents an old Jurassic sea. Q. Jl. microsc. Sci. (n.s.) 41: 303–321, plate 23.
* Moore, J.E.S., 1898h. Appendix to G.A. Boulenger, Report on the collection of fishes made by Mr. J.E.S. Moore in Lake Tanganyika during his expedition 1895–96. Trans. zool. Soc. Lond. 15: 26–29.
* Moore, J.E.S., 1899a. The molluscs of the great African lakes. III. ”Tanganyikia rufofilosa”, and the genus Spekia. Q. Jl. microsc. Sci. (n.s.) 42: 155–185, plates 14–19.
* Moore, J.E.S., 1899b. The molluscs of the great African lakes. IV. Nassopsis, and Bythoceras. Q. Jl. microsc. Sci. (n.s.) 42: 187–201, plates 20, 21.
* Moore, J.E.S., 1899c. On the divergent forms at present incorporated in the family Melaniidae. Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 32: 230–234.
* Moore, J.E.S., 1899d. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, some specimens of the jellyfish (”Limnocnida tanganjicae”) of Lake Tanganyika. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1899: 291–292.
* Moore, J.E.S., 1900. On the character and origin of the ‘parklands’ in central Africa. Linnean Society of London, November 1. Nature Lond. 63: 98; also J. Bot., Lond. 38: 499–500. Published as chapter 23 (pp.&nbsp;316–327) of To the Mountains of the Moon, 1901.
* Moore, J.E.S., 1901a. Tanganyika and the countries north of it. Geogr. J. 17: 1–33.
* Moore, J.E.S., 1901b. Further researches concerning the molluscs of the great African lakes. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1901(2): 461–470, 2 plates.
* Moore, J.E.S., 1901c. To the Mountains of the Moon; being an account of the modern aspect of central Africa, and of some little known regions transversed by the Tanganyika Expedition in 1899 and 1900.. London, pp.&nbsp;350.
* Moore, J.E.S., 1901d. Exhibition of a specimen and microscopic preparation of a new polyzoon encrusting the shell of Paramelania.. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. 1901–19025
* Moore, J.E.S., 1902. First ascent of one of the snow ridges in the Mountains of the Moon. Alpine J. 21: 77–90.
* [[জন ব্রেটল্যান্ড ফারমার|J. B. Farmer]], J. E. S. Moore and Digby L., 1902 [https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/pdf/10.1098/rspl.1902.0128 On the cytology of apogamy and apospory – 1 preliminary note on apogamy] ”Proceedings of the Royal Society of London” 71: 475 453-457
* Moore, J.E.S., 1903a. The Tanganyika problem. Geogr. J. 21: 682–685.
* Moore, J.E.S., 1903b. The Tanganyika problem; an account of the researches undertaken concerning the existence of marine animals in central Africa. London, pp.&nbsp;371.
* Moore, J.E.S., 1906. Halolimnic faunas and the Tanganyika problem. Rep. Br. Ass. Advmt. Sci. 1906: 601–602.
* Moore, J.E.S. and Randles, W.B., 1902. A new interpretation of the gastric organs of Spirula, Nautilus, and the gastropods. Proc. R. Soc. 70: 231–237.
* Preston, H.B., 1910. Additions to the non-marine molluscan fauna of British and German East Africa and Lake Albert Edward.Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. ser. 8, 6: 526–536. [Addendum: see Conchol. Newsl. 162: 237]
* Moore, J.E.S., 1935 Five Foolish Virgins

== তথ্যসূত্র ==
{{সূত্র তালিকা}}{{কর্তৃপক্ষ নিয়ন্ত্রণ}}
[[বিষয়শ্রেণী:১৮৭০-এ জন্ম]]
[[বিষয়শ্রেণী:১৯৪৭-এ মৃত্যু]]
[[বিষয়শ্রেণী:ব্রিটিশ জীববিজ্ঞানী]]
[[বিষয়শ্রেণী:রয়্যাল জিওগ্রাফিক্যাল সোসাইটির সভ্য]]
[[বিষয়শ্রেণী:সিলি দ্বীপপুঞ্জের ব্যক্তি]]

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